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Daily Archives: August 5, 2018

Disputes in Ms. Hanabusa’s disqualification as gubernatorial candidate

Tomorrow (August 6, 2018) at 3pm in First Circuit Court in downtown, we will have a historic hearing regarding my motion to stay of election on August 11, 2018.

There are a few major disputes in the case of Ms. Hanabusa’s disqualification as gubernatorial candidate.
Among other things,

1. If my complaint in court is considered as a written objection or not; (although I already legally proved filing my complaint in court should have stayed all following actions in election office, by law).
My opponents failed to argue back why it cannot be the written objection, by law.

Simply, admission by omission.

2. If fed elected officer should be excluded in application of the state mandate even if the fed officer is a state candidate. Again, my opponents failed to answer back. Admission by omission: My argument was if so, it is discriminatory and unconstitutional.
Furthermore, “any” “public” officer should include fed officer, since no word, only “state” officer, can be found in the mandate.
Also, Cobb’s court never made opinion regarding fed officer seeking for state office.

3. My opponents claim my motion should be denied since the election is already in progress. But, in fact, it was due to Mr. Nago’s inaction and refusal to communicate with me or court early. There may exist conflict of interest, and further investigation (poss. including criminal) and discovery may be necessary.


Backroom deal by Gov. Ige?

My take on Gov. Ige’s violation of election law.

On this KBFD TV segment on March 22, 2018, Gov. Ige visited Korean Association of Hawaii for the FIRST time (ever) as current (sitting) governor.

He must have been looking to find a way to get away from his major political issue of the recent (January, 2018) “false missile alert”. And, since I would be a major candidate in the democratic primary, fearing not getting and/or losing his votes, he must (might) have decided to donate (bribe) the Korean community to sway my vote(r)s toward him.

Although it sounds true since it is a news report, but, even if he denies such contribution ($1,000,000) for Korean cultural center in April (a few months ago), it is nothing but his effort (e.g. collusion) to steal my votes from Korean community.

(Fyi, Koreans make good chunks of population in Hawaii if all of their offsprings and relatives are counted.)

Nonetheless, Gov. Ige owes a very good explanation to People of Hawaii, regarding this donation ($1,000,000) to (for) Korean cultural center, during this election.



My self-reflection?

Go with a flow?
Yes, I agree; but not necessarily agree all…

I think my personality (this peculiar? longing for justice) may fit in working for people since my interest and people’s (general public’s) interest may coincide.

If I have been going with flow, I probably did not become who I am; and might have become a drug addict, gangster, or criminal, etc…(from my given condition and background).

Maybe, I am still fighting? my (dead) parents…lol.
