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Category: Aloha Dept.

some thoughts…

Regarding Aloha score, emotional health, taxes and tax credits, and revenues…

Among others,

1. Any Hawaii residents and prospective residents, who attend emotional health classes or seminars, offered by State sponsored psychologists and related health professionals, may (could) get tax credits as well as higher aloha score, accordingly, (just like continuing education as Hawaii residents).

2. Any Hawaii residents and prospective residents, who volunteer at prospective multipurpose transitional homeless centers, would be able to improve their (low or damaged?, if any) aloha scores, accordingly (rather quickly, if served longer).

3. Hawaii residents and prospective residents may choose to pay higher taxes (in percentage but not in amounts, depending on the income level), in order to improve their low aloha scores, (since it would help increase the State revenues).

Just some of the ideas…lol.

ALOHA ALEXA, an artificial intelligence!

Aloha Score, Aloha Court, among the functions of Aloha Dept.

Perhaps, we can develop and create “ALOHA ALEXA”, artificial intelligence, a computer (based) system, for fair ratings, quick complaint decisions, prevention of possible corruptions, etc.

P.S. “Pledge of Allegiance to Aloha (Spirit)”
“Aloha Spirit will rule our society.”
It will be my governing theme and philosophy, if and when I get elected as Governor.
In addition to boosting our self-esteem (e.g. by implementing two more holidays; Eddie Day and Queen’s Day) and creation of Aloha Dept., if necessary, I would want to implement “Pledge of Allegiance to Aloha (Spirit)”, and sworn? in schools and public places, until deemed unnecessary.

Why need Aloha Score?

Why do we want to implement “Aloha Score” (and Aloha Court in Aloha Dept) in Hawaii?
We would want to restore and/or promote Aloha, that we have been exemplary in the world.

Among other things,

1. Aloha Score would promote justice.
2. Aloha Score would promote equality.
3. Aloha Score would promote fairness.
4. Aloha Score would promote kindness.
5. Aloha Score would promote unity.
6. Aloha Score would promote happiness.
7. Aloha Score would promote humbleness.
8. Aloha Score would promote perseverance.
9. Aloha Score would promote helping the weak and vulnerable.
10. Aloha Score would promote world peace.

P.S. Aloha Score would also promote playing much less power games, (often thru money), in our society…lol.

Aloha Score, in addition to FICO Score!

This was posted on fb page on October 13, 2021.

Aloha Score, (in addition to FICO score), should be implemented, and high such score be also needed if anyone wants to comfortably live in Hawaii.

And, money shouldn’t be only? determining factor, whether who deserves to live in Hawaii or not, koko or non- koko, insider or outsider, etc.

Everyone should (legally) deserve to live in Hawaii; but, the priority should be given to those who show most Aloha, (and has highest aloha score), not (just) who has most money.
(Note: Those who were born and raised in Hawaii should INHERENTLY have much higher Aloha scores than those whose residency are not long.)

And, we should welcome any and all visitors, by implementing sufficient infrastructure to accommodate them (travellers), as much as possible.
If we need to control and regulate the number of visitors, (although not preferable), then we should also systematically regulate such visitors, by implementing rules and guidelines. E.g. If any way possible, Governor may not (randomly) declare such discouragement, “not to visit Hawaii”, which can be perceived as no aloha.


New System for “Check and Balance”

We are living in the world where money controls everything, (paradoxically speaking?).
Yup, it is Capitalism.

But, Capitalism was somehow relatively well maintained when democracy was implemented.
Democracy and Capitalism, together, they did relatively well here in America, and were relatively balanced; at least, they did better last Century (than now).

It is because Media had gained people’s trust, and somehow maintained relatively well its role of “check and balance”.

Now, expecting such role from Media may have only become our wishes, since they may be also privately owned and/or working for their own interests.

Since Media have somehow lost our expectations of being good or working for general public’s interests, we may now need a new system, which can do the (a) responsible role for public good.

It is because we, all of us, tend to seek only our rights, but not much think of our responsibilities.

That is why we need ALOHA DEPT, a nonprofit organization, who can do those “check and balance” work for all of us, (at least here in Hawaii).


Need of Aloha Dept. (another reason?)

Need of Aloha Dept. (another reason?)

Catholics and many other people in the world often think of Vatican and Pope, especially when they go thru hardships in life, where harsh life activities often destroy humanity and goodness in people.

Likewise, in Hawaii, “Aloha Dept” can be a guiding light and standard to all people.

Even though we all know Aloha, thanks to harsh reality of life (e.g. money), we might have occasionally (or often) practiced lack of, or no Aloha.

As someone in FB stated, we might have lost our respectability,. especially to and on Ourselves. Sadly, even to some people, Aloha might have become a fake identity of love.

We may want to bring back the true human value of Aloha, in this beautiful natural paradise.

Hawaii Reform.

Note: Vatican may have maintained their good purpose relatively well, (although not always perfect themselves in their entire history).
Likewise, although we may encounter some hardships down the road, even within Aloha Dept; however, thru ongoing adjustment practices, we may still be able to maintain its good purpose as an ethical guide and standard of our society.

Better Model; but, More Vetting May Be Needed…

Recently, I mentioned about licensing Media, and periodic monitoring and regulation on their cause and license thru “Ratings from Aloha Dept”.

This is simply all about controlling Media’s Special Interest Rights, while ensuring and guaranteeing their Basic fundamental Right, free press right and freedom of speech.

This model would work well, especially better than our current model of government’s own internal ethics dept, where inherent conflict usually end in injustice in favor of a person with power.
(Note: A while ago, Governor Ige, signed and passed a bill, HB1581; ACT 48, that any internal conflict within government agency goes directly to Supreme Court, which may increase the possibility of injustice. In turn, our government may become more powerful and may possibly get into more corruptions, if any.)

However, we may need to find a way to have vetting process on; among other things,

1. Aloha Dept: We may need to make sure they become INDEPENDENT from anyone or any organization, especially financially. Furthermore, we may need to find a way to keep employees of the Aloha Dept from getting into and/or involved in any possible corruption. So, we may need to implement more or better protective measure. And, we may also need to find a way how to resolve any conflict occur within the Aloha Dept, if and when it happens.

2. Government: We may need to find a way to prevent government officials from getting corrupted, e.g., by getting attached (e.g. financially or in any other forms) to Media. This may partly be achieved, e.g. by ensuring and/or modifying “Sunshine Law or Policy” with more open but strict mandate.
More discussions may and can be done…e.g. in legislature.


Freedom of Speech (Free Press Right) vs Controlling Media’s Abuse of Power.

Freedom of Speech (Free Press Right) vs Controlling Media’s Abuse of Power.

Recently, I mentioned Media Reform can be done with e.g. A Rating System, like health dept rating on restaurants.

However, we may need to find a way to reinforce the rating, in case Media continue to abuse their power, while guaranteeing their constitutional free press right.

At the same time, we may need to find a way to minimize government’s involvement (or conflict of interest), but help them on their matters.

So, I came up with a bit more detailed idea, (which, of course, can be further modified, if necessary).

Among other things; (this may only apply to Media in Hawaii.)

1. A third independent, non profit agency, like “Aloha Dept”, will determine the Media’s rating (each news organization, each journalist, and each news article, separately), like moody’s rating on business, (as I already explained before).

2. Government may issue a license to anyone who wants to be a media or a journalist, by just having their causes registered, without any restriction. (This will ensure fairness and equal rights opportunities.)

3. The license may have to be obtained. (E.g., Licenses may need to be issued to current media and journalists.)

4. Legislature implement a good media law, accordingly.

5. Government ensure and enforce media’s compliance. (Repeated bad ratings may lead to limit or even remove of their privileges.)

6. If and when Media (news organizations) need government subsidies, then allocate the money, e.g. by their popularity or market share, which may also need to be discussed more, (e.g., by legislature).


Note: Media’s role in social environment may be as important as protecting natural environment.
In fact, Media’s abuse of power may and can be as bad as global warming.
Please, remember our over-indulgence in protecting natural environment, sometimes, (as compared to our social environment), might have been partly (if not, much) due to media’s repeated control of our minds.

He May Be a Good Candidate For Kupuna in Aloha Dept…

Aloha (Credit) Score?, Needed for Hawaii Residency?

In Hawaii, every resident would carry Aloha (Credit) Score in addition to FICA credit score?…

And, to be qualified as a permanent resident of Hawaii (e.g. for the purpose of tax return), you may need to have some (at least a few years?) history of the aloha score.
One reason, we may want to make Hawaii residency expensive; this may be one way we control influx of unnecessary population?

Regardless, however, there has to be guarantee of freedom and Constitutional rights to anyone (legally) coming and/or living in Hawaii.

More details can be explored; and this would be one of my future goals and dream too, even if it may not happen (if and) during my administration.


Note: The aloha score may not have to be the recent scores, although preferred; since we want to include anyone who had lived in Hawaii, to give a better chance to come back home, e.g. folks in the 9th island, Las Vegas…

Aloha (Credit) Score? In Media Reform?

Aloha Dept may and can function like Moody’s (S&P) in Aloha (or releated credit) Score, e.g. character and good ethics score…

In Media Reform,
We may need to seperate and rate them accordingly; the whole news organization, individual journalist, and individual article, etc.
If (and/or when) government funding is allocated for them to use (due to their financial need); bad rating means no subsidy (or repeated bad rating means even suspension of their privileges?), good rating means much subsidy, and depending on their popularity by e.g. number of views and/or circulations.

Aloha Dept may play a crucial role in the decision making on the rating.


Media Reform, A Rating System? By Aloha Dept?

Some of my conversations in Richard Kim for Governor, e.g. regarding Media Reform.

Kandie Kato: I want to know How and What you intend to reform with the media. And what basic right are you speaking of. How, specifically, would you address any problems?

Richard Kim for Governor:
Specifics can always be changed, if, after I get elected.
That is why I don’t want to go in to much details, although I do have some ideas.
For example, (which is only my thought at this time), in media reform, we can think of a rating system like health dept rating on restaurants.
But, among other things, we may need to be careful who and which dept would determine the rating. Because, I don’t want any government agency to handle them, due to possible conflict of interest.
Maybe, third party like, my prospective non government agency, “Aloha Dept” may be a good choice.
But, there are tons of sensitive corresponding and/or other issues we may have to deal, in order to make it work; so I would not state any more at this time.
One reason is because we may also need to find a way to guarantee media’s free press right and freedom of speech, while we control and make sure that they do not overuse or abuse their power.
Simply, it can become very sensitive; so I would want to not discuss details til and after I get elected. But, the need of “media reform” is no question, and is very necessary; and it would be one of my priorities.
Thanks for your question.

Queen Liliuokalani….

“Aloha to learn what is not said, to see what cannot be seen
and to know the unknowable.” Queen Lili‘uokalani
Picture of Queen Liliuokalani, 1898, from Wikipedia.

“Pledge of Allegiance to Aloha (Spirit)”

“Aloha Spirit will rule our society.”
It will be my governing theme and philosophy, if and when I get elected as Governor.
In addition to boosting our self-esteem (e.g. by implementing two more holidays; Eddie Day and Queen’s Day) and creation of Aloha Dept., if necessary, I would want to implement “Pledge of Allegiance to Aloha (Spirit)”, and sworn? in schools and public places, until deemed unnecessary.

If Elected, I May Leave Most Government As Is…

If and when I run and get elected as governor, I may leave most, if not all, of government executive branch(es) and personnels, as is, whatever has been, but will tackle and fulfill my promises (HAWAII REFORM) one by one, wherever I can.

One exception. ALOHA DEPT.
I believe I can add an extra executive branch, as long as the law permits.
ALOHA DEPT is the same non-profit organization, I previously mentioned. Comprised of well respected retired Kupunas, it would independently oversee every corner of our society, under only one name, Aloha Spirit.
If necessary, it may start as a government supported branch, mainly due to financial reason (at the beginning), but later needs to change ultimately to non-profit organization: It would be very important to be non-profit and INDEPENDENT (from any government influence), especially because it may need to oversee government activity, too.
One reason is because the current government’s ethics dept(s) may need some improvement or to be better than what they are now. If necessary, ALOHA DEPT can act as an additional enforcement for them, but independently.
One other thing for its role, that I can think now, is it can also work as an additional and/or alternative enforcement for HAWAII REFORM, especially Media Reform.


Aloha Dept. vs Current Ethics Dept.

Aloha Spirit Will Rule Our Society!

1. Unite all voices from all people from different racial, ethnic, cultural, and moral backgrounds.
2. Oversee every corner of our society; for example, government where disputes occur within and against, due to inherent conflict. [The disputes within and against government may end in injustice due to conflict.]
3. Guide us to preserve and promote Aloha Spirit.
After all, Aloha Spirit will rule our society, above any laws…!!!