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Category: Professionals Reform

Subconciously Controlled By Media…

Some people understand and want to support regarding Media Reform. But, after the conversation, they say “I will check you in the newspaper”..?…lol.
We may need to understand ourselves how much we might have been (subconsciously) controlled by Media.

Now May Have All Legal Proof

Legal evidence of “ANY” elected officer, stated in Resign to Run mandate (State Constitution Article Ii, Section 7), did include a federal officer..!

After the mandate implemented in 1978 Constitutional Convention, there were several amendments in state legislature. For example, in 1981, in a bill (SB No. 1028), specific requirement regarding the date of resignation, 45 days before nomination filing deadline, was implemented (or amended). However, the requirement was deleted and repealed in a bill (SB No. 1152) in 1983.

However, it was repealed for the requirement of specific resignation date, but NOT for the DEFINITION of the elected officer, whether it included a federal elected officer, or not.

Therefore, we may now have all legal proof that Ms. Hanabusa is already disqualified as a governor candidate. (The Resign to Run mandate applies to Ms. Hanabusa.)

“ANY elected public officer shall resign from that office BEFORE BEING ELIGIBLE as a candidate for another public office, if the term of the office sought begins before the end of the term of the office held.”

Among other things,

1. “ANY” included a federal officer, which applies to her case. (SB. No. 1028; March 13, 1981)
2. In Cobb vs State, State Supreme Court decided, among other things, the mandate applies to a State candidate, but not to a Federal candidate. (Now, Ms. Hanabusa is a State candidate.)
3. According to Campagin Spending Commision report, she already prematurely held several illegal fundraising events, before and without her resignation from current office in US congress.
4. According to Campagin Spending Commision report, she already prematurely started her illegal campagin, before and without her resignation from current office in US congress.

By law, therefore, Ms. Hanabusa is disqualified as a governor candidate.


True Dark Horse…?

Ms. Hanabusa’s heavy campaigning in Maui, only a few days after mine.

Coincidence? Maybe, trying to calm down my revolutionary platform and ideas…before all Hawaii wake up??

Well, for a new, invisible (in the media), small fish like me in the political arena, it is not a bad feeling…lol.
Gee, I must be a true Dark Horse…!


“Undecided” Answer, No Make Sense (Evidence of Fake!!!)

Question: “If the 2018 Democratic primary for governor were held today, for whom would you vote?”

Answer: “Undecided.”

How can the answer be possible or interpreted?

Even if the primary is being held “TODAY”, the answer is undecided???….lol.

Isn’t it simply the responder (caller) is saying that he or she is not voting or not voting any of them (all three, Hanabusa, Ige, Hee)…?

According to Start-Advertiser, 15% of the callers answered “undecided”.

Definitely, this is one more evidence that the poll was a fake and intentionally made.


Note: Well, I would think, at least, 15% was mostly (if not, all) my votes…, even if we want to believe? their poll…lol.

Now, Set For Debate?…lol.

Now, media have officially?? set and made 3 candidates in governor race, in the name of public opinion (polls).
I bet they will try very hard to keep it that way, e.g., so they can do TV debates according to this senario…lol.

Ironically and unfortunately, some voters may tend to follow this senario.

Can voters overcome the manipulations by media?

My recent campaign has been “Don’t trust media!”; and people were responding positively, relatively well, esp. in Maui.

Hopefully, people (voters) can overcome their emotional issues, despite (more) played and manipulated well by media.


Media Reform Dearly Needed…

Now, the poll regarding a seat (US congress, district 1), which is never legally available yet…

The fake media (e.g. Star-Advertiser) may be manipulating people of Hawaii far worse than we think, in the name of public opinion.

Well, as I already filed my request of investigation for possible election fraud, I really hope attorney generals (both State and Federal) investigate soon.

Media Reform…!

Most Likely….

The more I think about today’s polls, the more I believe only 3 choices (Ige, Hanabusa, Hee) might have been given to the callers (responders); and most likely, I was not included in the choices.

Among other reasons,

1. I did not receive even one vote from the 498 random callers, which is very unlikely if I was included in the choices.

2. The callers might have not been allowed, other than those 3 choices.

3. Hanabusa’s 47% vote might have been unusually high; and, it must have been out of those 3 candidates.

4. The media have been mentioning only those 3 candidates, all the time (so far), as if they are the only candidates.

Why Hide Even A Vote For Me…?

Not even one vote for me from 498 random callers (voters), after more than a year of campaigning and advertisement in facebook?

How depressing…lol…?
Well, we know it is a lie (and fake news).

Then, why did they have to hide even a vote for me on the poll?

Well, this is my analysis; and may be encouraging and a great sign for me.
Probably because, my numbers are so high, (at least, a threatening level to them), that they had to cover or hide all of the facts (my statistics). If it was so low numbers, they might have already disclosed it, I think.

At least, I might have been in the 3rd place?, probably beating late comer, Mr. Hee. Or, those 15% undecided might have been mostly my votes, (even if we really want to believe the poll)…lol.

Will see.


Note: While campaigning in Kihei, today, I asked a lady, if she would believe Ms. Hanabusa getting 47% vote in the poll. Right away without hesitation, she said “no way”.

Another fake media manipulations…?

Now, polls?
Manipulation by fake media (e.g. Star-Advertiser) might have become intensified…lol.

How do I know the poll is false?

“If the 2018 Democratic primary for governor were held today, for whom would you vote?”

Unless, for example, they give only 3 choices and others (as undecided), it is almost impossible to have the answers as shown out of 498 random responses.

E.g. Not even one vote for someone else?…hahaha.

Shame on them…!

2016 Again?

Repeat 2016 against Fake Media?

While most of my opponents are all aware of me as a major candidate in this governor race, media have been silent (or repeatedly ignoring me).

My opponents activities; among other things,

1. Gov. Ige

a. Gov. Ige became an ukulele musician.
b. Gov. Ige and his team borrowed? my platform, “common sense” on his post in fb, but deleted soon after my post with a screenshot about it.
c. Gov. Ige visited (or met leaders in) Waianae homeless village; only one or two days after my offer to visit them here on fb.
d. Gov. Ige recently rallied with some (if not, many) Koreans in the area, probably where many Koreans live.

2. Ms. Hanabusa (and, late comer, Mr. Hee)

Simply, they tried to help media’s ignorance by excluding me or having themselves exclusive, as if they (with Gov. Ige) are only major candidates in this governor race.

3. Ms. Tupola and Mr. Caravalho.

They borrowed and used my one main platform, “Work on ourselves” or “Improve our emotional health”.
Well, they may share my platform freely, but, hopefully, they give me credits whenever they use it. (It can be a plagiarism, if not, since I am the original one, at least on this governor race.)

4. Mr. Kaehuaea

He and I briefly conversed here on fb, regarding his usuage (borrowing) of my platform, “Two more holidays (Queen Liliuokalani’s and Eddie Aikau’s)”; he can freely use as he campaigns, but hopefully, he also gives me credit for it.

In the meantime, Media have been ignoring me all along, (despite my repeated complaints). Among other things,

1. Media have never mentioned my name as either a candidate or a possible candidate.
2. Media only mentioned above candidates, so far, in the governor race.
3. Media denigrated and sabotaged me and my candidacy in 2016 State senate race in district 9.
4. Media had not conducted (or did not intentionally reveal the results of) polls or statistics in governor race. Fyi, in 2014, by this time around, they already conducted polls for 3 times.
5. Media did not yet report my request to attorney generals (both federal and state), for investigation of possible election fraud and Ms. Hanabusa’s disqualification as a governor candidate.

Will 2016 repeat again against fake media, in 2018 gubernatorial race in Hawaii; but in Democratic side, at this time?

(Plz, remember, Hillary had 80% chance of winning in 2016….lol.)


P.S. If media have been fair, I would (might) not have posted like this.
Plz, remember I may be fighting against media manipulations.
Note: Ironically, some candidates also help media (manipulation) by making themselves exclusive in the race.

Another Media Play?

A while ago, media (initially) reported Ms. Hanabusa will not resign from her current seat in US congress, district 1, while running for governor.

Strangely, media are now reporting as if Ms. Hanabusa is vacating her seat, (probably around or after my complaint to Election Office about the availability of the seat).

Legally, the seat (US congress, district 1) may not be currently available, since it seems there may be no legal documentation about the availability. (Fyi, I have not received answer from Election office yet to my inquiry and subsequent letter.)

Regardless and even if Ms. Hanabusa resigns now, she would be disqualified due to her premature campaign and fundraising, which were prohibited by the law, “resign to run” mandate, State Constitution Article II, Section 7.

It specifically stated, “….shall resign BEFORE BEING ELIGIBLE…”

The question is she would resign even if she is already disqualified as a governor candidate?

Now, Ms. Hanabusa’s best bet is probably for her to withdraw from the announcement of her candidacy for governor.

However, once she picks up her nomination paper at Election Office, it (her nomination) becomes illegal. (I already advised Election Office not to give out nomination paper to her; since she already disqualified herself due to her premature illegal campaign and fundraising.)


Excerpts From Federal Election Campaign Act…

It has been more than a week since my reply to Election Office’s response to my initial inquiry regarding e.g. why US congress, district 1, seat is legally available.
I am still waiting for their answer(s), but want to share some excerpts, regarding Federal Election Campaign Act.

Hope To Put People First, Not Politics…

Dr. Green campaign video for Lt. Gov.

A while ago, I stated I am willing to work with Dr. Green, if he becomes Lt Gov nominee for democratic party.

Looking at this commercial (and other pictures), I feel it is more like an ad for his medical practice, although the ad states he cares about people, but not politics.

Ironically, it seems he already raised about $500,000 in the last reporting time.

Well, it seems he might have already accepted monies much from special interests; and this may already, likely be politics. How can he put people first, then? I wonder.

I am just concerned that he may be mixing medicine and politics much together…and, if he becomes my running mate, he may have to give up ties to esp. those who contributed much on his campaign. Otherwise, he may have a tough time working with me, if we ever get to work together as a team.

(I plan to utilize Lt Gov’s function more often than Gov. Ige, so this can be an issue. But, I truly hope and expect a good team work.)

Note: Although I am also a medical professional, I hope I don’t mix the two (much) together, even if I get elected.

Coversations About Democratic Socialism…

Sent Reply To Election Office…

Sent reply to Election Office, and demanded, among other things, legal evidence why US congress, district 1, is now available.

Flaws in Election Office’s Letter…

I just received response from the election office, and found flaws in the letter.

Among other things,

1. Mr. Nago, Chief election officer, interpreted wrong, Attorney General Opinion No. 86-4.

Contrary to what he stated in the letter, “Article II, Section 7…does not apply to federal elected public officers”, I could not find the statement in the No. 86-4, whatsoever. (Please, check yourself in the picture…lol)

Fyi, as I explained before, this opinion (No. 86-4) might have been the case (seeking federal office from state office), which had ultimately led Senator Steve Cobb to challenge in the court; and he won, although I believe it was a bad decision by State Supreme Court.

However, Ms. Hanabusa’s case is, in the other way, seeking for state office, from federal office. It should apply on her case, since the mandate applies to state office candidate.

2. Mr. Nago also stated Attorney General Opinion No. 86-17, and, correctly on this point; but, he failed to explain and/or provide any evidence if Ms. Hanabusa filed her intention to vacate her seat or not.

Legally, there shoud have been a document or documents, that she intends to vacate her seat.

(Fyi, Ms. Hanabusa’s announcement and media coverage may not be enough. And, I believe the election office may not hand out nomination papers, at their discretion, without any documentation or documents of the availability of the seat.)

This can be considered an election fraud, if they randomly decided by themselves without legal proof (documentations).


I plan to respond, and demand for legal documentation(s) regarding the availability and opening of the seat, US Congress, district 1; not to mention his misinterpretation of No. 86-4, whether intentional or not.


My Letter to Election Office…

Just sent this letter to Election Office.
Hopefully, I hear their answer soon.
If so, I will post here.
Note: I changed my mind; and, I may not send copies and proof of service to Ms. Hanabusa, unless I am required to do so.

P.S. I hope you understand my letter to the election office; and, esp. why I sent the letter only to them. Because, legally, Ms. Hanabusa may be non existent there yet, at least til she (tries to) pick up the nomination paper. As soon as she picks up the papers, then she is illegal and disqualified; and, we can challenge her, afterwards.

Election Office Being Fair…?

Ms. Hanabusa did not (yet) officially or legally give up her seat in US congress district 1. Simply, the seat may not be currently and legally available from the election office’s point of a view. But, the election office already accepted and has given out nomination forms to 3 candidates, as of now.


Not to mention Ms. Hanabusa’s illegality and disqualification as a candidate for governor, this is one thing that I don’t understand the election office of Hawaii, whether they are being fair.

If and when filing my prospective Objection regarding Ms. Hanabusa’s disqualification, or later, I may address this issue to court, if necessary.


Why Now?


I hope I understand this campaign, esp. during the election season.

Are you trying to segregate and divide us, or unite us?

Media Reform…!

Note: Please, remember many of Hawaii “born and raised” politicians might have caused and/or made much mess and corruptions in our society.

From fb

Why Brought Mayor Kim To This News Conference?

Dear Gov. Ige,
The issue was not just the comprehensive plan, but mainly your repeated non-competent reactions after the false missle alarm.
You repeatedly lied and put People of Hawaii in position as if they may be not more important than people around you; even though you should have had very important, foremost, fiduciary duty and thinking to General Public, first.

Note: I do not understand why Gov Ige brought Mayor Harry Kim to this news conference, no matter how much he might have contributed on this prospective comprehensive plan.
Hopefully, it may not mean or intend to dilute or confuse my prospective voters…

Security – Top Priority; Further Explanation May Be Necessary…

Order of importance in our lives:

Among other things,
1. Security.
2. Health.
3. Money.

Gov. Ige never explained further and/or neglected to explain why he repeatedly deceived us, as Hawaii People’s commander-in-chief, during and even after the false missile attack; but, he may be now busy trying to buy our votes, by throwing out some? packages (e.g. economic or infrastructure development?) for his re-election bid.

Dear Gov. Ige,

No matter what you are trying to do, FIRST, you may need to clear our minds about the security issue, because it may be our top priority.

Keyword: Priority. Preparedness.


P.S. As medical professional (dentist), we are often trained to handle emergencies.

Especially, as a holder of a sedation certificate, in addition to 3 states licenses, I am extra careful when I work in certain clinics, because we may face some serious complications or emergencies.

So, it has become sort of my routine to check e.g. emergency kits and equipments, esp. if and when I am invited to do some extensive surgical procedures and/or under (oral) sedation, (usually on pediatric or geriatric patients).

If deficient, I tend to limit my service to much simpler procedures.

Well, if and in case of emergencies, I may momentarily black out…lol..; but so far, I was able and have done necessary procedures.
(Note: My licenses and certificates are all CLEAN…including DEA. I have never received any sanctions on them in my 25 years of professional life; although there were some malicious attempts, I defeated and defended myself all of them.)


No Article, No Polls, May Be A Good Sign For Me…

As of today, no mention of (Sunday) paper article or polls, regarding primary gubernatorial race, may be a good sign that I may be elected.

Simply, media may not want to reveal (or want to withhold) my name as long as possible, hoping that people don’t get to know my candidacy. (A simple uninformation tactic.)


Note: In 2014 and 2010, they already conducted and published polls before and around this time.

Think More Deeply…

I have somehow been wondering why media tend to bring more (e.g. in a controversial way) about native hawaiian issues on their news.

It may be not necessarily all for native hawaiians’ rights or sovereignty, but may be to segregate them more, and further to divide our society.

If they had done the correct jobs as professionals (journalists), our society might not and should not have been in this way, esp. sociopolitically.

My people of hawaii,
Let us reflect and think more deeply…


Keyword: INCLUSIVE, but, not exclusive…

Note: Hawaii people’s generally low emotional health (e.g. low self-esteem) may be partly (or greatly) by-products of years-long mind control and games by Media.

Media Reform…!

Media Are Also Special Interest Groups….

I lately watched twice, (not by my choice), Dr. Green’s (State Senator’s) Ad, thru automatic feed in other segment, (very well professionally made, but STRANGELY, NO mention of which office he is running; but, he already announced he is running for Lt. Governor a long time ago).

I hope he does not change his mind; especially because of (possible) Media’s (and other special interest groups’) pressure.

Although I am willing to work with Dr. Green, if he becomes elected as my running mate (Lt. Governor) after the primary election; but, I have been concerned about his likely (probable) ties to Media, as I previously wrote in my site.

I also lately watched his platform on his site; and I liked his announcement that he is going to fight against special interest groups.

However, I hope he understands that Media are also special interest group.


More Vetting May Be necessary; But, Should Rather Focus On Other Priorities…

Civil Beat – Regarding assisted suicide.

Although I may agree in a general sense, your (their) safest protections may not be safest yet, since there still be possible loopholes and possible abuse, e.g. pt’s voice and medical documents can be forged, if the bill is implemented.

Also, once the patient is deceased thru this bill, it may be almost impossible to legally prove anyone (wrongdoer, e.g. due to conflict of interest) held responsible, even if harsh crminal penalty is added to the bill.(Criminal standard burden of proof: Clear and Convincing Evidence and/or Beyond Reasonable Doubt.)

We may need to double and triple check of those possible abuses, if we want it to be implemented.

Besides, since I may suspect possible other ulterior motive of this editorial board (due to and from my own previous experience with this news agency, Civil Beat), I suggest journalists at this news agency may need to check their emotional health first, if they can be apt to make such suggestions to all the Hawaii people.

Simply because, we cannot afford a single mistake of taking someone’s life, in the name of helping relieve pain and death with dignity, but in fact, for the purpose of saving money.

Hawaii has other imminent priorities than this controversial issue.
I hope this non profit news agency study and focus more on how to prioritize social issue, including this agency’s own reform, correctly and more for Hawaii people’s benefits and future.
