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Daily Archives: March 19, 2022

Media Reform is Hawaii Reform!

American Revolution!

More vetting needed in election process…

Plz watch this video; the meeting happened on March 18, 2022.

I browsed thru it, but, found strangely and particularly Scotty Anderson’s actions might be very defensive and not trustful, although Scott Nago, Chief Election Officer, might (would) have also been defensive.

My findings, among other things, are;

If City and County employees are responsible for transport of Election boxes, there may (should) exist possibly clear conflicts of interests, which may be influenced by their personal and/or their union’s interests.

Government employees or their union, therefore, should be prohibited from being and having political influence.
E.g. HGEA’s endorsement on political candidates should (must) be stopped and prohibited.

My request to Election Commission is also that they thoroughly check and vet more ALL OF the voting process, including functions of the voting machines.


Journalist Labor Union vs Media companies?

Jounalist Labor Union vs Media companies?

If reporters control ALL of the news making but journalist labor union support in the back, then the directors and owners of Media may not influence much on such news.
If anyone complains to the journalist labor union of any wrongdoing by the company, then the union would step in and resolve such issue(s). Perhaps, my prospective “Media Mediation Commission” may also step in resolution.
Believe me it would be much better than under the current system, in terms of making correct and true news.

I would give in my candidacy, if…

Congressman Kahele,
I would give in my candidacy and support you fully, if you can show and prove me you are better qualified than me, especially in handling COVID19, and other plans, ideas, and solutions.
Otherwise, plz support me and my Reform plans. And, stay at Congress, and don’t be fooled by instigation by Media (and Status Quo).

My post on March 18, 2022 in fb.

Status Quo in Hawaii might have still been instigating the freshman Congressman Kahele to give up his reelection by running for Governor.

Look how this journalist wrote as if Kahele would be elected if he runs for Governor…lol.

Well, did the article state as if the Status Quo are going to elect him instead, by ditching Josh Green?…lol. But, as I previously analyzed, it might be rather to divide our votes against Green, so Green gets elected. Simply, Kahele might have been their scapegoat.

Congressman Kahele should not be influenced by such ridiculous instigation. Besides, if he runs against my plea and also against his principle, it’s not Pono either, (as I already told him in my previous comment and post).
For him, it may sound much better and safe if he rather looks for reelection for US Congress.


And, also posted on Feb 11, 2022 in fb.

My message to (and analysis about) Kai Kahele.

Dear Congressman Kahele,
If you truly think of Hawaii people, pls stay at where you are now, and don’t run for Governor. You just got elected as a freshman Congressman, and would not be elected as our Governor.

You may have become a scapegoat; and Media and Status Quo are instigating you. (E.g. In fact, I felt a bit strange when Yunji was somehow unusually pushing you, when you had recent interview with Star Advertiser.) They might have planned your such role, just to DIVIDE our votes, so that you help Lg Green get elected.

Plz, think about it.

Plz, don’t be a part of discrimination; it’s not Pono.

Dear Congressman Kahele,

Discrimination happens very much even in and amongst Hawaii communities, not to mention on LGBTQ.

For example, I am also concerned about your local medical advisors and other leaders, who might have tried to promote and support as if you should run for Governor.

Despite having been silent, when I first warned and advised for tighter screening before the delta invasion, (but when they later realized my advice was correct and better), not only they did not recognize or appreciate my such earlier advice as medical professionals, but also ditched or ignored my prospective candidacy for Governor, (even if they might have already known my such prospective candidacy), without good reasons, e.g. if you are better qualified to handle the virus and future variants, than a medical professional like me.

I hope you don’t also make or be a part of such discrimination practices toward other minorities, while trying to implement anti discrimination bill(s) for LGBTQ Veterans.
