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Daily Archives: June 19, 2018

Q&A by Special Interests

Why (special interests’) Q&A can be dangerous?

I received several Q&A from some special interests, including some media.

I just gave my site,, instead answering all of their questions.

Because, without knowing their (any possible) special interests related to such questions, answering them may only give them who they prefer or want for their interests, making their selection? process easier only for their interests (e.g. ulterior motives). Note: The groups’ phenotypic respresentation may not necessarily show their true face and purpose.

I urge those special interests groups including media (e.g. civil beat) disclose their special interests (anything related to the Questions), first.

Simply, it is not fair.


P.S. Besides, we may still need more research on some of the issues, before formulating our own opinions, (esp when all balanced information are not available); knowing news reports and articles may not always necessarily represent general public’s interest. Thanks.