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Daily Archives: January 24, 2017

A Good Slogan.

This may be a good slogan, esp. for Hawaii politics…lol
Without Media reform, we may not go anywhere.
Dear my people of Hawaii, esp. Media,
Let us show the world we can, and be the first success story in political reform.

Picture from FB

My Disclosure regarding Surveillance.

Someone wrote about “Free Snowden!” on my other post, and I responded with this comment.
I totally thank him because I can now say this, (and, people may understand me without blindly accusing me of having paranoia).
Although some people may still claim I am paranoid, lol…, (and, I have to admit my suspicions sometimes turn out to be wrong or inconclusive), I might have been under surveillance maybe over 10 years, by government and/or other agencies, (as well as privately investigating companies, probably due to my previous lawsuits).
Do you know how you feel like, if you feel you may be on some people’s radar, 24/7?
I hope people understand the feeling…
I am just happy that I am still maintaining my sanity…lol…”

Professionals Reform, (After Media Reform?)

As a healthcare professional, somehow, I partly agree. But, this may apply to all other professionals, as well.
If Media Reform is successful (and/or start to happen), then the next may need to be (Other) Professionals Reform, “Adjust or Re-calibrate your professional ethical standard”…!
Note: (Other) Societal Reform may have to occur at the same time, to ensure sustainability and survival of the professionals…
Picture from Fb

Outsourcing Surveillance?

Regarding Senator Hirono’s Jan 23, 2017 fb post,
“Today, I voted against the nomination of Mike Pompeo to serve as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Representative Pompeo has been wrong on many critical intelligence issues during his 6 years in Congress.
He won’t disavow his past support of torture. He opposed the release of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence’s torture report. He has advocated for reinstating mass surveillance of American citizens. He recently left the door open to outsourcing surveillance of American citizens to foreign governments to circumvent existing laws. He opposes the closure of Guantanamo. He opposes the Iran nuclear agreement.
Congressman Pompeo is the wrong person to the lead the Central Intelligence Agency.”

“…outsourcing surveillance of American citizens to foreign governments…”
That is an interesting statement, and let me see and recall…