Free Thinking, Beyond and Above Party Lines, May Be Needed.

One of my replies on comments in one of my posts. (Regarding a Mr. Trump supporter who asked me some policy questions).
“I mostly agree with you.
But, I would want to discuss with a free thinker who may and can be above and beyond party lines.
I don’t want to discuss with a person, who may be likely entrenched in party issues, since I already sensed…
And, because, I know we may not get a fair and healthy conclusion or answer for all voters, (but, not just for some voters).
For more info, plz, check my site, for more info about my positions, on which you may draw your own conclusions based on my basic and fundamental philosophy.
Note: This response may and can be applied to any democrats (or any other people) who refuse to have a free thinking, as well, (although I am a democrat). Mahalo nui.

About The Author

Doctor of Dental Surgery
(Columbia University, 1993)
Singer and Songwriter
ALOHA Activist and Reformer; Relatively Well Equipped with Law, Self-Taught (Unlicensed) Legal Expert with More Than 10 Years of Experience, and Some Practical Knowledge of Psychology.

Paid for by Richard Kim for Governor
95-1050 Makaikai Street, #8K
Honolulu, Hawaii 96789